
His Secret Obsession

Do you or someone you love suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? What's OCD and how can you recognize it? In most possible instances I advise one to seek professional help, but here I will also attempt to offer a simple description of a mental disorder that's often misunderstood. Unlike other mental disorders which require recognizing anywhere from four nine symptoms,  His Secret Obsession   only requires recognition of two problems, obsessions and compulsions. What's an Obsession? The term's Latin root, obsidere, means "to besiege," as an army would surround an area for the goal of forcing surrender. An obsession is actually a struggle of the mind. In line with the diagnostic manual utilized by mental health professionals, the DSM-IV, obsessions are "recurrent and persistent thoughts which are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress." The definition highlights four main qualities of clinica